“89% of consumers will buy from brands they follow on social” Sprout Social

Photo by Adrianna Calvo on Pexels.com

As of January 2020, there are 3.8 billion active social media users. Instagram alone has 1 billion users, 500 million are active users every day. The average internet user spends 6 hours and 43 minutes online each day. Taking into account 8 hours for sleep each day that means that most people spend 40% of their walking lives on the internet. Approximately 50% of that time is spent on mobile phones.

Facebook has 2.5 billion active users, Instagram has 1 billion users with 500 million being active users.  LinkedIn has over 760 million users with 260 million being active. Twitter has 330 million users with 145 million active users. Currently Instagram has the highest engagement of the social media platforms. Whichever platforms you choose to use, these are very powerful marketing tools.

It is no longer enough to just show up on social media occasionally and post when the urge strikes. You need to be there consistently with an identity that is uniquely yours and a plan for growing and engaging your online community.  If you aren’t regularly posting to social media, you are missing out on an inexpensive and effective way of reaching your target audience.

Although social media platforms are free for the taking, that’s not to say there is no cost. There is your time which is valuable and working on your social media platforms may take you away from other aspects of your business. Alternatively, you can pay someone to do your social media for you.   What are the advantages of hiring someone to do your social media for you?

  1. Audience: Helps you target your audience.
  2. Plan: Develops a social media plan tailored to your business.
  3. Content: Creates content which includes written and images.
  4. Consistency: Is consistent with regular social media content.
  5. Engagement: Responds to social media messages. 
  6. Time: Allows you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  7. Best Practices: Understands best practices on social media.
  8. Advice: Guides you to platforms that are best for your business.
  9. Leads: Advises you on ways to generate new business.
  10. Analytics: Provides analytics and reports on what’s working and what’s not.

We would be remiss if we didn’t touch on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which everyone is trying to or should be trying to achieve. We won’t go in depth here, but social media brings visibility and traffic to your website. Although social media may not be a ranking factor for Google, it can amplify the ranking factors that Google does consider. 

Now with platforms like LinkTree, you can direct people to numerous locations whether your website, social media channels or e-commerce site. It allows you to channel exactly where you’d like to see people visit you online. These links when shared all help your performance in your SEO efforts and allows more potential customers to find you and what you do.

If you are a small business or artisan looking for help with your social media, we have flexible social media management packages specifically designed for small business. To learn more, contact us to today so we can get you on the right path for your business.

“89% of Consumers Will Buy From Brands They Follow On Social by @consultcreateve

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Email Marketing

1. Email is the most powerful form of modern communication.

Email is an effective way to directly communicate and connect with your customers and consistently wins out over other marketing channels. With the prevalence of social media and other forms of messaging, email may seem archaic to some, but email is the most powerful form of modern communication.  No marketing category has the longevity of email marketing.

Email is a communication channel that 99% of consumers check every day. You can go days without checking social media or video chat with friends, but email is checked several times a day.

2. Email marketing has a large reach.

We love social media, but you need to know that although Facebook boasts over 2.89 billion active users, Twitter over 199 million and Instagram approximately 1 billion active users, it is tempting to believe these platforms are the most effective way to reach the masses.  Although these are impressive numbers, there are over 4 billion email accounts worldwide as of March 2021 and 4.6 billion email accounts projected by 2025.

Email is the currency of the web. Just think about when you sign up for all those social media platforms, what do you need? You got it, an email address to create your account. Which then allows you to be notified by email when there is activity on your social media account.

3. Email Gets Delivered.

We can’t overstate this in the context of other avenues of communication in which your message doesn’t always make it to the intended recipient. 90% of email gets delivered whereas only 5%-10% of your Facebook fans will see your post in their news feed.   This is, of course, Facebook’s attempt to drive you to paid advertising.   

If you post an update on Facebook to your 1,000 followers only about 5%-10% or 50-100 of them will have a chance of seeing your post in their news feed. Whereas if you send an email campaign to 1,000 of your subscribers, at least 900 will receive your email in their inbox.  With constantly changing algorithms it is difficult for marketers let alone small business owners to keep up with.

4. Your Email List Is An Asset That Drives Growth And Sales.

Your email list is an asset that you own. It is yours alone, not a third party, no one can take that away. On the other hand with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and other social media platforms, you are at the mercy of their ever changing algorithms.  It should also be noted that your social media account can be suspended or deleted at any time for any reason without notice along with your posts and your fans. We love social media to engage, inform and educate, but your email list is the best way to drive growth and sales.

5. Email Converts Better – 138% More.

When people sign up to receive emails from you, they WANT to hear from you. They are interested in whatever product or service you provide.  People who buy products marketed through email spend 138% more than those that did not receive an email offer. 

6. Good Return On Investment – $1 Spend = $38 ROI.

Did you know that for every $1 spent on email marketing it generates $38 in return on your investment?   Add to that, email marketing is easy on the budget and a cost effective way to reach your target audience.

7. Email Beats Social By 40X For Customer Acquisition.

A report by McKinsey & Co. shows that email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

Now for the fine print. We would be remiss if we didn’t mention that you do need people’s permission to email them. There are strict laws and regulations around SPAM and in Canada it is CASL, the Canadian Anti Spam Legislation.  Every business owner should be familiar with the 3 components of CASL – Consent, Identification and Option To Unsubscribe or they can be fined. We’ve included a link for those that wish to delve into a bit further.

Are you ready to ramp up your email marketing? Not sure what to write about? They key is something of value to your subscribers such as a new product or service announcement, expanded hours, online appointment scheduling, an upcoming sale or offering a coupon to your email subscribers.  Not sure where to start?  We can help you get started delivering The Write Content for your business. We invite you book a free consultation with Barbara Borchardt, our Founder and Creative Strategist.

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Email Marketing by @ConsultCreatEve